Science & Technology
DirectBio is pioneering a new approach to molecular diagnostics based on CRISPR enzymes.
We harness the speed, specificity, and sensitivity of natural and AI-engineered CRISPR enzymes to create diagnostic assays that are simpler and more scalable than conventional PCR due to the need for fewer reagents, no RNA or DNA extraction, and no amplification or reverse transcription.
The team is an experienced group coming from science and technology with academic and industry background, as well as from business with entrepreneurial and leadership background ranging from innovative emerging to the world’s largest healthcare companies.
We strive to build a team of world class experts to provide the industry with the best-in-class tools and procedures for diagnosing and screening disease. We are looking for self-starter team members wanting to work with other similar minded individuals on a collaborative basis. We are aware that we will not find these experts in our local region and therefore partner on a worldwide basis. Our team is assembled from countries like USA, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia and South Korea as only there we found the brilliant minds we strive for.
We partner with leading life science tools companies to implement amplification free CRISPR diagnostics on their own PCR systems and platforms. Our technology works on large central lab as well as point of care (POC) equipment.